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Maggie Weninger, RN, MSN, CCCI
(She, Her, Hers)Lecturer
School of Nursing
Office: ART 136Email: maggie.weninger@ubc.ca

Courses & Teaching
Relational Practice II, Health and Healing I and V, Advanced Clinical Reasoning, Child Health, Clinical Practice Experiences
Maggie has been a Registered Nurse and has held a Bachelor of Science in Nursing since 2009. Maggie has been teaching with the School of Nursing since 2013. She received her MSN in 2018 and started lecturing in 2019. She has held a Lecturer position since 2022 and still holds casual bedside nursing positions in pediatrics and cardiac surgery. Maggie has worked across all four years of the curriculum including: lecture, seminars, skills lab, and several practice placement: medical, surgical, gerontology, mental health, child health, and global practice (Ghana, West Africa).
BSN University of British Columbia, 2009; MSN University of British Columbia, 2018
Selected Publications & Presentations
Rush, K., Wilson, R., Bannerman (Weninger), M., & Donnelly (LaFleur), S. (2016). Connecting intentional learning and cardiac specialty practice: The experiences of bachelor of science in nursing students. Nurse Education in Practice, 20, 23-30. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nepr.2016.06.006
Selected Grants & Awards
Thank A Prof
Professional Services/Affiliations/Committees
Project Ghana Rural Opportunities for Women (GROW), Comprehensive Practice Committee, Relational Practice Committee, Child Health Committee, Undergraduate Committee (Nursing UGC)